1、Namespaces confuse language extensions like E4X.

2、Using E4X to write simple choreography services

3、Using E4X to call web services

4、None of the mainstream browsers are currently supporting E4X.


6、We have successfully used E4X to invoke web services, and now we would like to provide web services using E4X.

7、E4X is a standard that adds native XML datatypes to the ECMAScript language and provides operators for common XML operations. To quote the E4X specification page

8、With E4X, you can select a node or nodes using filters, as in Listing 5.

9、First, we learned how to use E4X itself and did some simple XML manipulation.

10、So there are benefits to embedding E4X in a web service container.

11、Of course, writing WS-Security in E4X, while possible, would probably not be much fun (we didn't try it yet!).



14、This scripting language supports XML data through a group of classes that adhere to the ECMAScript for XML (E4X) specification.

15、该脚本语言通过一组遵循ecmascriptforXML (E4X)规范的类支持XML数据。

16、我们已经成功的使用E4 X调用Web服务,现在我们要用E4X提供Web服务。

17、E4X 所具有的一个明显的优点是它完全支持XML,包括排序功能。

18、In the second paper, we will show you how you can use E4X inside a server by embedding Rhino inside the Apache Axis web services engine.

19、提供者是这样一种方式:Axis允许可*拔地*入新的服务提供者程序,而E4X 提供者允许用户使用E4X脚本实现服务。

20、The first would be to plug Rhino and E4X in using the JAX-RPC and Enterprise Web services (EWS, also known as JSR109) technologies in a J2EE application server.



23、E4X提供者要求您使用E4XProvider.jar(下面会用到)来更新Axis类路径,除此之外还要包含 rhino.jar和xbean.jar。

24、当然,可能的情况下在E4X 中使用 Web 服务安全,可能不是那么有趣(我们还没有试过!)

25、事实上,在最新的 Deer Park alpha 版中,对HTML网页默认禁用了E4X,因为与从非兼容浏览器中隐藏脚本的传统方式有冲突。