1、She is fond of newspaper clipping.

2、Have you saved that newspaper clipping about my old friend?

3、I had read that in an old newspaper clipping.

4、Sitting up, he was surprised to find a newspaper clipping on his bedside table.

5、Because I know there's a faded newspaper clipping in your wallet about my scholarship.

6、Two days later, flushed with vindication, she knocked on my front door and handed me a yellowed newspaper clipping.

7、And she took out a newspaper clipping out of her pocket. I can't read Swedish, but she told me it was all about Bill Clinton eating here.

8、 Life is a regular newspaper, not a newspaper clipping. There are news we like to read, and news we are not interested in, or even do not want to see.

9、She brought a large batch of newspaper clippings.