1、antibody combining site

2、galvanized layer combining capacity

3、(combining form) former.

4、(combining form) producing or yielding.

5、Significant progress has been reported on beam combination of fiber laser arrays recently using coherent combining and spectrum combining technology.

6、This kind of method, combining search with track, combining hardware with software, can adapt the quick change of transmission frequency.

7、The variance analysis of general combining ability and specific combining ability in most characters were almost significant.

8、Research on combining support technology of roadway

9、Reduce wasted space by combining two rows.

10、RBL is a city bike combining the feature of carrying.

11、The variance of the general combining ability (GCA) and the special combining ability (SCA) for 12 agronomic traits were significantly different.

12、The method of combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis.