1、originally approved gross appropriations

2、appropriations for additions of property

3、charged to the regular budgetary appropriations

4、appropriations as modified by any transfers

5、The government raised defence appropriations by 12 percent.

6、What happens after the appropriations bills come through?

7、The White House also urges Congress to use the Senate appropriations Committee's spending levels for military construction in the final appropriations legislation.

8、The appropriations committee, suddenly and ill - advisedly parsimonious, cut funds for assistance to the disadvantaged.

9、The assessment of educational appropriations is the prerequisite to enhance the effectiveness of educational supply.

10、No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law;

11、Losses sustained by the Peoples Bank of China shall be made up by appropriations from the State Treasury.

12、I shall ask this Congress for greatly increased new appropriations and authorizations to carry on what we have begun.

13、Thus, each house has committees on foreign relations, appropriations, revenues, armed services, agriculture, judiciary, commerce, and labor.

14、Congress leaves for its summer break in August (thereafter it will do little but pass appropriations bills).

15、Today federal grants are more than one hundred times this amount, and state appropriations are much greater.

16、But while the President proposes budgets, Congress passes budget resolutions and appropriations, and the Republican party controls the House of Representative.

17、Recently the Web site the Politico asked Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, why she was blocking attempts to tack offshore drilling amendments onto appropriations bills.

18、But there is a fear that next year will be more difficult, because the appropriations for 2009 were set in 2008.

19、While it has no legal effect, the budget serves as a guideline for the congressional appropriations process. A constitutionalist President's budget should do the following.

20、This secrecy by the Fed in its appropriations of taxpayer money and the most-likely worthless collateral it exchanged it for represents inflationary risks the Fed is attempting to conceal.

21、So this time, if you send me an appropriations bill that does not cut the number and cost of earmarks in half, I will send it back to you with my veto.

22、He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.

23、To make up for the insufficiency in state educational appropriations, the Chinese government has called on and organized the whole society to give support to the poor areas in developing their education;