1、He was very conservative in the estimate.

2、Watch should be conservative in design and color.

3、If you load the conservative governor, you will see a directory called conservative in the cpufreq directory.

4、Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what you accept from others.

5、Yan's attitude towards liberty is radical in theory but conservative in practice.

6、Just like in other fields, he is also very conservative in politics.

7、It is generally best to be conservative in adopting new features.

8、We found most to be quite conservative in their descriptive symbols and communications.

9、The results indicated that DMRT1 genes were highly conservative in phylogeny.

10、The young people are the most eager to learn and the least conservative in their thinking.

11、In Victorian times the seriously rich could afford to relax provided they were conservative in how they invested their money.

12、There are conservative investors.

13、Go slowly and be conservative in matters of the heart, especially if you are dating someone new.

14、But you may remember that Larson is an extremely conservative investor who would naturally underperform in boffo years.

15、As strange as it may sound, prehistoric creatures like Xenicibis make Dixon's speculative beasts seem almost conservative in their anatomy.

16、Cons: Limited number of officially supported applications; conservative in terms of base package selection; complex upgrade procedure.

17、Counter-intuitively, Postel's robustness principle (" be conservative in what you send, liberal in what you accept ") often leads to deployment problems.

18、In theory, this would make Banks more conservative in lending out money, and allow them to cover their own losses when borrowers can't pay up.

19、Bork was extremely conservative in his legal philosophy, aggressive in pushing his point of view, but fair to students who disagreed.

20、It was a bad omen last year when this freewheeling western conservative in the Reagan mould went off to court the intolerant Christian right.

21、Were too conservative in the past. Research has helped bank get more comfortable, is allowing them to turn less business away.

22、Are we willing to be more conservative in our life requirements, and are we willing to moderate our use of the world's resources for our descendants?

23、"I told them that I didn't have shame over this type of job, " he says, "but that I'd try to be more conservative in the future."

24、According to conservatism principle, to fully consider the risk in business situations, accountants should be conservative in choosing the one that has the least favorable impact on net income when there are two methods.

25、The IEA's data is regarded as the gold standard in emissions and energy, and is widely regarded as one of the most conservative in outlook - making the warning all the more stark.

26、Striking the right balance between revealing too much and being too conservative in how much skin is on show has long been a dilemma for women when choosing the right outfit for a night out.

27、The reason lied in the fact that the Creoles within the camp of independence who had a conservative inclination exerted a stronger influence andbecame a resistance force to the democratic reform.

28、This has led us to remain conservative in our estimates for Dell's smart phone share. For 2010, we estimate Dell to capture only around 0.1% share of the total global mobile phone market.

29、The company's conservative instincts sit ill with competition.

30、A left-wing place in the1930 s and1940 s, City spawned many of the neo-conservative intellectuals who would later swing to the right, such as Irving Kristol( class of1940, extra-curricular activity: anti-war club), Daniel Bell and Nathan Glazer.