1、Big books. Small books.

2、Books are more than books.

3、I like reading books, children's picture books.

4、Read books, all sorts of books.

5、Do you borrow books or return books?

6、My books and his books are different.

7、Tom:Six books and six exercise-books. ;

8、We read comic books.

9、several dozen exercise - books

10、Are these books yours?

11、Whose books are these?

12、They're reading some books.

13、He likes reading books. She likes reading books, too.

14、Sit down. Open your books. Close your books. Stand up.

15、a dealer in secondhand books (especially rare or curious books).

16、Traditional books bring less harm to eyes thane-books.

17、Books in China are less expensive than books abroad.

18、Whys he getting my books?

19、She likes dolls and books.

20、Please tidy up these books.

21、to distribute books to students

22、Rectangle books on the shelf.

23、"Sonatina" books, Mozart's easier sonatas, and books of easy popular songs, are good books for practicing.

24、Account books include general ledgers, detailed ledgers, journal books and other auxiliary books.

25、You'll find cookbooks, poetry books, children's books, and hundreds of photo books to look at.

26、 In ancient times, there were also those who specialized in authentic books, cursive books and running books.

27、There are not only his books but books on his books and an entire literature growing up around his legacy.

28、Father Lin loves books as much as he wants, but unfortunately he only loves books, not books.

29、There are three books I reread annually.

30、It's time to hit the books.