1、Vision: I became distracted.

2、Is easily distracted.

3、I'm a little distracted.

4、He was very distracted today.

5、How might I get distracted?

6、Children are so easily distracted.

7、He refused to be distracted.

8、It might sound like I'm easily distracted.

9、Dudes get distracted easily, we know this.

10、I get distracted and lose concentration.

11、Don't get distracted at the last minute.

12、It made little audible gurgles which distracted me.

13、But he has looked up, distracted from within.

14、The colours used on the page distracted participants.

15、Are you distracted, indeed, or are you not?

16、Papa seemed distracted, but he whirled her around the floor expertly.

17、Now, don't be distracted by the fact that they already appear to be sorted.

18、Great, just one more thing drivers need to be distracted by on the road.

19、Users do not like to be visually distracted when filling in forms.

20、Try not to be distracted by other people, checking email, phone, surfing the Internet.

21、If you're constantly fidgeting because you can't get comfortable in your seat, you're going to be distracted and less attentive.

22、It may be hard for you to feel, since if you're breathing, you'll be distracted by the need for air.

23、Not finding what he had left there, he returned with distracted looks to the room in which they were assembled.

24、This questionnaire asks people to rate themselves according to how often they get distracted in different situations.

25、For one thing, without self-discipline, some college students would be distracted by other temptations, like playing games.

26、Intuition works by inference, where we see connections between disparate subjects and learn from these similarities, while not being distracted by their differences.

27、If they're looking for a snippet of information on a page or are engrossed in content, they won't be distracted by the ads on the side.

28、She was an attractive girl who never allowed herself to be distracted by the comments and got on with her job.

29、You will do just fine as long as you comprehend the essential mechanics and don't allow yourself to be distracted by mere surface details.