1、Does BL change your view of marriage?

2、Do you think BL is popular?

3、Turf characteristics of white clover(Mini-BL) in Heilongjiang

4、BL and draft belong to the same category?

5、Comprehensive Appraise on New Chinese Chestnut (Castanea Mallissima BL.) Varieties;

6、Expression of Recombinent Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in BL-21 Cell;

7、A Study of Binary Black Hole Central Structure in BL Lacertae Object PKS 0735+178;

8、Examination of the application of BL model in supersonic turbulent boundary layers

9、The Scheme Design and Implement of BL Company s Domestic Agents Management;

10、BL- 303系槽浸型锌系*化处理剂。

11、Objective: To provide the scientific basis for identification and utilization of Memorialis hirta(BL) Wedd.


13、The Coal Black Liquor Mixture (CBLM) Technology, BL Membrane Treatment Technology, Integrated Membrane Technology (IMT) are introduced in this paper.

14、Describes the main principle of BL-410 Biological Functional System and the characteristics of its software and hardware.

15、Hydrogen peroxide(H2O2), Salicylic acid(SA), jasmonic acid(JA), ethylene(ET) and brassinolide(BL) play important roles in this network.

16、The fourth chapter gives the plan of BL company's purchasing and supply chain management, including management process, plan and schedule, etc.

17、BL T型鳞板输送机适用于输送大块或灼热的散状物料。

18、介绍了BL- 410生物机能实验系统的主要原理及软硬件组成特点。

19、Candidates who are invited to attend the trade test will be assessed on their BL knowledge through a written test on the same day.

20、目的:评价在医用物理教学中P BL结合LBL的教学效果。

21、铝型材短棒加热炉sy -BL SY - BL节能铝棒加热炉是一种铝型材生产厂家及铝型材企业必备的铝材生产装置。






27、BL -环保阻燃剂属于N - P系阻燃剂,其主要原料与聚**铵一样是**与尿素,但因为其特殊的合成工艺使它不同于普通的聚**铵。

28、采用颈动脉*管方法,结合BL-410智能型生物学模块,探讨了静松灵*对黄牛血流 动力学和肝肾功能的影响。

