1、Then we understand one another ! Now go !

2、So we come to understand one another even more.

3、But here, too, it is essential to understand one another.

4、People who speak the same language can easily understand one another.

5、And we understand one another more than anyone else ever has.

6、I hope we shall be friends and come to understand one another.

7、God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another.

8、You and I must understand one another, and that without delay.

9、Use this time to create a forum, to not necessarily reconcile differences, but to understand one another.

10、Though they've long had a fundamental failure to understand one another, it has never resulted in warfare.

11、You need to have a conversation in a loving, non-blaming manner, so you understand one another.

12、Different legal cultures and dispute resolution practices sometimes make it difficult for Chinese clients and foreign lawyers to fully understand one another.

13、If we can make better use of these patterns to enhance comprehension, then we can improve people's ability to understand one another.

14、Make sure that you encourage conversation around relevant topics by providing tools to the community to understand one another no matter the language.

15、The Language of Light is an ascending thought-form that all species are choosing to embody and communicate with so that all ascending sentient species may understand one another.