1、You identify as a radical feminist.

2、They identify as Lutheran, Catholic, or atheist.

3、The best developers tend not to identify as a developer.

4、RCM may ask you to provide further documentation to verify your identify as it deems necessary.

5、They built what we now identify as the royal palace, the palace of the king.

6、The first part is usually easy to identify as code is being refactored.

7、Massachusetts, for example, says it will not know until next winter which schools it should identify as failing.

8、To receive such assistance, the passenger must self-identify as being an individual with a disability needing the assistance.

9、12% of women under 35 on OkCupid (and the internet in general, I'd wager) self-identify as bi.

10、Often, though, custom controls aren't made up of controls that Rational Functional Tester can identify as separate objects.

11、The real art in defining requirements is not to identify as many as possible, but to find the minimum set of requirements needed to satisfy the business problem.

12、There was no mention of all the other characteristics that we would identify as a disciple, only that she was full of good works and helped the poor.

13、But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word, women are choosing not to identify as feminists.

14、This is our world view and philosophy of life, h we identify as raft. ans feel that body, mind, and Spirit are all one.

15、We have talked about the different sources that scholars believe they have been able to identify as comprising the five books of the Pentateuch.

16、PS: you strongly self identify as a "non-technical end user" or NTEU, do you find this makes you unique in the Ubuntu Community?

17、What parts of your documents do you need to identify as special elements or attributes (to ensure that you can target them as desired for re-use, sorting, tracking, or enabling other XML benefits)?

18、At its heart, it is simply a treasure hunt, which involves three characters we identify as good, bad, and ugly as they try to outwit each other in their search for Confederate gold.

19、So, the Garden of Eden story communicates what Kaufman would identify as a basic idea of the monotheistic worldview: That evil isn't a metaphysical reality, it's a moral reality.

20、In an almost Platonically ideal example of fudgery, the wording of the statement condemns the incident (which it does at least identify as an "attack"), but places the blame on nobody in particular.

21、Regardless of the real degree of racial and ethnic intermixing that goes on, the test of a blended society will be the proportion of people who identify as multiracial or multiethnic.