1、Accept other defaults.

2、Use defaults when possible.

3、Use the defaults.

4、Take the defaults.

5、Accept all the other defaults.

6、Accept all the installation defaults.

7、-- Updating the agent profile defaults

8、The defaults are typically used.

9、Leave all other values as their defaults.

10、Accept the defaults on the final screen.

11、These are simply the defaults for Derby.

12、Accept the defaults on this page.

13、Accept the defaults for the other Settings.

14、Defaults cause bankers to restrict the availability of credit, which causes more defaults.

15、You can simply take the defaults on each page.

16、The defaults are sufficient for the used sample application.

17、You might wonder what we mean by "defaults" here?

18、Take the defaults or choose to run immediately.

19、You're getting compensated for a severe escalation in defaults.

20、The contractor shall be responsible for the ACTS or defaults of any Subcontractor, his agents or employees, as if they were the ACTS or defaults of the contractor.

21、Reset to factory defaults - administrators can reset a device to its factory defaults in order to wipe sensitive data in case the device was stolen or lost.

22、With factory defaults, the picture in Dynamic mode has a greenish cast to it.

23、For example, Glimmer comes with built-in data-binding support and smart customizable defaults.

24、The correct place for initializing defaults is the main Plugin class itself.

25、You can create a default instance using the standard defaults, for the users and port Numbers.

26、It could easily lead to a slew of bank defaults-and corporate ones, too.

27、In older versions of AIX, thewall was an important tunable for which you needed to change the defaults.

28、If the party who leaves the deposit defaults, he shall not be entitled to demand the return of the deposit; if the party who accepts the deposit defaults, he shall repay the deposit in double.

29、Now that defaults have shot up, particularly on loans taken out last year, lending standards are being tightened.