1、This special report will argue that both sides are blinkered.

2、Enmeshed in this physical world, our souls blinkered by limited horizons, we are susceptible to falsehood.

3、He thinks the talk is motivated by blinkered ideology, not a rational assessment of natural change.

4、The Ying man hadn't showed any fear on his face, not even blinkered his eyes.

5、It became clear to everyone that the chairman was too reactionary, too blinkered.

6、Enthusiasts are convinced that just looking at the profit and loss account and the balance sheet is blinkered.

7、While acknowledging the murderous extremity of Breivik's bubble, Kjaerstad says he has witnessed similarly ideologically blinkered thinking before.

8、They generally have personal bias in various degrees, such as laziness, blinkered peacockery, anxiety, depression, and self-abasement.

9、In any case, sharp changes are unlikely in a government so ideologically blinkered, diplomatically inept and administratively opaque as Iran's.

10、First, only the most blinkered liberal could deny that the terms of trade in the debate between freedom and order have become more favourable to the latter.

11、None of this should give succour to creationists, whose blinkered universe is doubtless already buzzing with the news that "new Scientist has announced Darwin was wrong".

12、Manned by militants from its Ezz al-Din al-Qassam brigades hitherto deployed against Israel, Hamas's internal security applies the brigades' blinkered codes to harness society.

13、Part of the reason we are blinkered about the struggles of women in poorer countries is that here in the rich west, many battles have been won.

14、Leslie wrote a thrilling chapter here, as the opera star whose concentration on art and amour blinkered him from political eruptions.