1、No default value.

2、The default value is 10000.

3、Session-type: default value "stateless."

4、The default value is 2000.

5、The default value is 5.

6、The default value is 10.

7、The default value is 730 (2 years).

8、Otherwise the default value will work fine.

9、The default value is 7 seconds.

10、The default value is 32768 bytes.

11、The default value is 900 (15 minutes).

12、Value: the default value to be set to the component.

13、This internal default value causes the wrapped control to return its own default value of 19.

14、Each value type has an implicit default constructor that initializes the default value of that type.

15、Cannot bind a default to a column created with or altered to have a default value.

16、Leave all other options with their default value.

17、Element's type does not allow fixed or default value constraint.

18、The default value of both parameters is 2.

19、The default value does not have to be specified.

20、Accept the default value for ClearQuest database registry directory.

21、The default value must match the data type. Please change the value or the type.

22、Each name has two values, a default value and a user specified value.

23、Simple elements may have a default value OR a fixed value specified.

24、You can change the default value in the property sheet if you wish, but we'll accept ANNOUNCEMENT as a default.

25、Null and default value Compression (V8 GA) : Compression for null, zero length data in variable length columns and system default value.

26、Although the global selector basically sets a default value of a property, that value is easily overridden.

27、The alias value shown here is the transformation used if no mediation policies apply -- the default value.

28、This is used to set a default value for a variable. If the variable is empty or unset, the given default value is printed instead. Default takes one argument.

29、Apply a default value, for example a hyphen (-), to make the attributes display that they are currently holding no value.

30、The column may not have a default value of CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.