1、The theatre is crammed.

2、I have crammed it and telescoped it.

3、We were crammed four to an office.

4、The box was crammed with letters.

5、He crammed his clothes into the trunk.

6、Terry crammed the dirty clothes into his bag.

7、We crammed into my car and set off.

8、Are all your cupboards and closets crammed full?

9、Our new brochure is crammed full of inspirational ideas.

10、The aisles are narrow, and shelves are crammed with products.

11、The tiny shop is crammed with bestsellers, some of them thick manga comic books.

12、Ads can end up so crammed with ideas and features that they appear dense and uninviting.

13、The marina was crammed with fishing boats and weather-beaten sailboats.

14、As usual Mary Meeker and the team have crammed in a huge amount of information.

15、Before long 40 worshippers were crammed into Air Force One's conference room.

16、Imagine that binder crammed full of silicon and liquid crystal-that's the form factor of the future periodical.

17、People crammed into the bookstore hoping to get the author to autograph a copy of his latest work.

18、Especially when the housing market is crammed with huge bubbles, international hot money must be prohibitted from entering China.

19、Such drinks are crammed full of sugars and acid that attack our teeth and may result in dental decay.

20、Harry crammed the broken locket into his pocket, knelt down beside Ron, and placed a hand cautiously on his shoulder.

21、As he leans over a small desk crammed into a cabin on board a modified 757, he comes across as just another Washington big shot.

22、The human brain is an unfeasibly complex organ, crammed with billions of neurons and capable of performing trillions of different synaptic functions.

23、Bustling, small streets are crammed with shops that sell everything from jade ashtrays to Mao watches, while enticing smells waft out from restaurants and side-street barbecues.

24、The catacombs are no respecter of peace, and it would be impossible for these civilians of the past to rest while crushed and crammed, suffocating amongst another's bones.

25、Oh, and don’t even try to open the glove compartment, because chances are it will be crammed with the drained remains of 56 supersticky juice boxes.

26、Xinhua News Agency said the Little Doctor Kindergarten had more than 700 children but only four vans whose seats had been removed so more passengers could be crammed in.

27、Book shelves and magazine racks are crammed with advice about how to handle all this, from simplifying life (easier said than done), to having it all (a recipe for dissatisfaction).

28、Opened in 1874, the museum contains the best collection of Greek art in the world. It is crammed with treasures-more than visitors can see in a single visit.

29、The only life was taking place inside the train as passengers constantly changed seats and squeezed up and down its crammed, narrow walkway to chat to friends and strangers.

30、They were a pretty, buxom quartette, so crammed into the carriage that their hoops and flounces overlapped and their parasols nudged and bumped together above their wide leghorn sun hats, crowned with roses and dangling with black velvet chin ribbons.