1、Object: To improve curative affection infrared physiotherapy.

2、Thoracolumbar burst fracture posterior curative effect

3、The vast majority, around 95%, are given in curative care.

4、To move from a curative to a preventive approach.

5、The curative effect varies from person to person.

6、Conclusion The curative effect of Tri-medicament paste in one-time treatment for chronic periapical periodontitis can reach the same curative effect as regular many-time therapy.

7、Done clinic experiments to validate the curative effect of OA-kneepad and the feasibility for energy of EMG as the eigenvalue, to evaluate the curative effect of KOA.

8、Between curative effect. Course and ESR have no marked interrelation.

9、Objective To investigate the curative effect of acupuncture on traumatic ophthalmoplegia.

10、Objective To observe the clinical curative effect and poisonous affection of ondonsetron and other antiemetics.

11、Clinical apply and curative effect on the treatment of adenomyosis of uterus in UAE

12、Conclusion: The MDRI possesses a better preventive and curative effect for RRTI.

13、The curative effect of Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy in ten yers

14、Objective: To evaluate the curative effect of Chuankezhi injection on acute attack of bronchial asthma in children and its safety.