1、Please let us know when this is put into effect.

2、The recommendations will soon be put into effect.

3、The new system will soon be put into effect.

4、Details of how the new initiatives will be put into effect are still under discussion.

5、To meet this challenge, the following elements were put into effect.

6、Indeed, had such a disaster occurred, there would have been no program to put into effect.

7、For one thing, severer laws can be made and put into effect.

8、The plan was put into effect, and the new wood chipper worked well.

9、Gaines informs the mystery caller that he has a backup plan that will be put into effect the same day.

10、Tuition system has become one of the hottest topics in China since it was put into effect.

11、Since the new management system was put into effect, the production of this factory has increased tremendously.

12、The backlash was rooted in the disappointments monetarism caused when it was put into effect almost three decades ago.

13、The Criterion for music Curriculum has been issued and put into effect, which is bringing opportunity and challenge for music education of teachers training college.

14、For ensuring the PEIA to put into effect successfully, the PEIA technique guideline was issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China in 2003.

15、After the projects put into effect, the noise absolute value reduced by 20 decibels, and the noise rang decreased by 24%

16、Still have many but in the amounts project detailed list valuation process in being put into effect, waiting for the perfect place.

17、To improve the quality of boiler and pressure vessel's manufacture quality, in our country, the manufacturer qualification examination system put into effect.

18、The goal of the meeting was to find ways to put into effect the ideas that were discussed ten years ago at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

19、The Standard of Students' Physical Health(Trial Scheme)has been put into effect since 2002. It plays an important role in improving the whole level of students' physical health in our country.

20、Convention on Contracts for the International Sal es of Goods, which has been put into effect since January 1st 1988, is a unified , substantive law regulating international trade activity .

21、Opium drugs' inundation in northwest area are with relation to warlord in northwest area ——violating a ban, forcing to plant, conniving at traffic, prohibiting by levy and monopoly of opium drugs. So the ban cannot put into effect.

22、"For though the army of aram was only a small one, the Lord gave a very great army into their hands, because they had given up the Lord, the God of their fathers. So they put into effect the punishment of Joash."

23、It has promulgated and put into effect a series of major laws, including the Constitution, the Criminal Law, the Law of Criminal Procedure, the General Provisions of the Civil Law, the Law of Civil Procedure and the Law of Administrative Procedure.

24、"But if you go back to the town and say to absalom, I will be your servant, O king; as in the past I have been your father's servant, so now I will be yours: then you will be able to keep ahithophel's designs against me from being put into effect."

25、HONG KONG became a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China on July 1, 1997. The Basic Law - which is the constitutional document of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) - was put into effect on the same day.