1、My Cyclops will make pebbles of these blocks!

2、The second propagation and controlling of Cyclops in water purification

3、Experimental study on biological control of excessive propagation of Cyclops

4、Research on Relationship between M. Aeruginosa and Cyclops

5、Removing Efficiency Study on Cyclops Cooperating with Water Treatment Process by Alternative Oxidants

6、Cyclops were giants with only one eye, like a lantern, in the center of their forehead.

7、Clearly,the application of brine or ammonia is feasible to control the growth of Cyclops.

8、Experimental research on chloramine inactivation of Cyclops of zooplankton in water

9、In the film, scientist Krank sends out ''Cyclops'' minions to kidnap little children, so he can steal their dreams.

10、It is through his epic poems that many became familiar with classical Greek myths, such as sirens and the Cyclops.

11、This paper investigates the control of the excess propagation of Cyclops by the top-down effect of fish, such as silver carp and bighead carp under different stocking biomass conditions.