1、Ship swaying motion can be predicted by the chaos theory due to its chaotic characteristic.

2、This is one of the catch phrases of chaos theory, called the butterfly effect.

3、Application and Research based on chaos theory in Pipeline ultrasonic signal Detection System

4、Quantum mechanics and chaos theory indicate that the world is always changing.

5、The 'Butterfly Effect' : This is one of the catch phrases of chaos theory.

6、NEW type of radar which harnesses chaos theory can see clearly through walls and could help find survivors in disasters.

7、The new theory has adopted the succession analysis, the chaos theory and other non-linear method, has made the new progress to the market rule research.

8、A new method is proposed to predict the stock market based on wavelet packet transformation and chaos theory, which can not only describe a time series but also capture the features of the chaos.

9、Numerical simulation test shows that the delay time and embedded space dimension given by chaos theory usually are not the best ones for load forecasting.

10、Because it is closely related to the chaos theory and fractal geometry, there are increasing interest not only in the mathematics but also in the other relating fields.

11、The prices for lead and zinc in LME (London Metal Exchange) since 1970 are analyzed, and the changing laws of lead and zinc market in the world are studied by the chaos theory.