1、break down old conventions

2、Old conventions die hard.

3、This follows Clojure naming conventions.

4、Fairness, justness, and international conventions.

5、The conventions of polite behavior.

6、Technical drawings--Basic conventions for lines

7、conforming to conventions of sexual behavior.

8、Strictly define naming conventions and coding standards.

9、We must break away from conventions.

10、Establishing conventions can be considered a solution to this issue.

11、DBI defines methods, variables and conventions for database access.

12、The following table describes the naming conventions with examples.

13、Following better naming conventions is also valuable in itself.

14、These conventions have a significant influence on the formulation of the HKSAR labour legislation and 45 conventions are applied here.

15、Have you followed current conventions of academic writing?

16、Conventions don't rule out configuration because you can use conventions to specify meaningful defaults and configuration to override convention.

17、In fact, it is also straightforward to generalize the above code so that the code can handle both of these naming conventions as well as other similar conventions.

18、Like the traditional love sonnet, the traveler's postcard has acquired its own ritualized conventions.

19、Butt his conformist image and manner belie his break with strait-laced japanese business conventions.

20、When fighting against the irrational but overwhelming conservative conventions, women should be more courageous and perseverant.

21、She wants to emancipate herself from conventions but she doesn t have enough courage and confidence;

22、They also took the time to codify some conventions that sprung up in the community.

23、The nature thing can't produce meaning independently, and the meaning can't be anticipated in outmoded conventions in Language by ego.

24、The close relationship between the spirit of law and the conventions of Briton forms unique characters of Briton.

25、The hotel also boasts a large convention center and staff to host corporate meetings, conventions, and social events.

26、This is not evidence, but it makes the following statement more plausible: from the beginning, men stick to conventions.

27、Some features and keyboard shortcuts now commonly found in web browsers can be traced to NeXTSTEP conventions.

28、International conventions have been made by the international joint commission, among which the Geneva convention plays a decisive role in international trades and economic contacts.

29、In the modern business card design, with its developed professional conventions, one can still detect the two conflicting approaches, the fanciful and the functional one.

30、Python variable name conventions are similar to PHP: You can only use letters, Numbers, and the underscore character (_) when creating a variable name.