1、He slides into depression.

2、technique for microscopical slides

3、Visual aids such as slides.

4、That's what water slides off!

5、mount slides for macroscopic analysis.

6、The book slides from my knee down.

7、They showed slides of their holiday.

8、So, these slides are coming up.

9、The piston slides noiselessly up and down.

10、So this conference is no slides.

11、The synchronize slides feature lets you synchronize your slides to audio and video.

12、The selected slides are marked as hidden. Either ensure that the slides are no longer hidden, or choose to print hidden slides.

13、What about the design of the slides for your laptop?

14、There were no slides and no financial reviews.

15、a flight maneuver; aircraft slides sideways in the air.

16、The cupboard door slides open along the groove.

17、Maybe there're some words on the slides, but the important points is that you have to say without the slides.

18、I mentioned the interesting facts, referred to the excellent slides, and then finished by saying "We'd all like to thank Miss Bligh for blowing out her slides."

19、If you want to apply the transition to all slides, select multiple slides in the Filmstrip and specify the required transition effect.

20、The next time you present with PowerPoint, create a printout of your PowerPoint slides, so that you can dance with your slides and engage your audience.

21、Attention! Some slides before midterm exam has been corrected. See in "Update" block. Download HERE.

22、At least the slides were good, that is, until the bulb in the projector blew.

23、When Fen slides open a door to reveal men and women chatting quietly, conversation falters.

24、The sweat that the evil-foreboding dream brings slides from the forehead.

25、The top slides open and the inside lights up. It makes me feel like a '60s Hollywood starlet!

26、When you record using automatic recording, Adobe Captivate captures screenshots automatically and places them on separate slides.

27、One year, about an hour before his appearance, I was informed that he was backstage preparing dozens of slides, even though I had reminded him a week earlier of the no-slides policy.

28、Even more than mountainside slides of mud or snow, naturally occurring forest fires promote the survival of aspen trees.