1、intercollegiate games, debates, etc

2、The debates are endless.

3、Other debates have mattered, too.

4、Since 1987,the presidential debates have been organized by the bipartisan organization,the Commission on Presidential Debates.

5、Over at SNCF the debates are different.

6、It also debates policy and passes laws.

7、Are often, simultaneously, debates about honor.

8、Certain books triggered particularly heated debates.

9、So all the debates, including the one I waded into yesterday about mobile broadband infrastructure, about private enterprise versus public spending are like most things - fringe debates.

10、In contrast with earlier periods of the council's history, when loud, confrontational debates were common, most current debates occur in private.

11、However, the increase of "anchor babies" triggers debates.

12、This tone has prevailed through subsequent commemorations and debates.

13、Stated during GOP primary debates: "We need more charter schools."

14、To improve their speaking skills, I helped them develop oral compositions and organize in-class debates.

15、In the Debates on Salt and Iron are recorded the debates between the government officials and scholars at the cabinet meetings during the reign of the Emperor Zhaodi of Western Han.

16、Eventually, it debates how to superpose the electric potential when the zero point is different.

17、Snowball and Napoleon were by far the most active in the debates.

18、Books are often a better vehicle for transforming beliefs than conversations or debates.

19、Recent economic policy debates have not only largely ignored DSGE, but have also been remarkably similar to the economic policy debates of the 1930s, although they have been resolved differently.

20、Zhao Kai - rong gives an analysis of the debates between Lenin and Luxemburg and answers the important theoretical and practical question of how to treat the debates within the Marxist system.

21、However, taxonomical debates may ultimately prove less important than the questions A. sediba provokes.

22、The deadly result has spark repeated crackdowns on drink driving and heated debates on whether offenders deserve harsher punishrnent.

23、So 45 percent of all households get left out of most debates about the costs and benefits of caring.

24、The alcoholic intoxication person legal responsibility question is the question which debates for a long time in the theorists.

25、There are debates on definition, study object, distinctive features and research trends of it in the academic world.

26、Adopting a thematic approach, Hislop presents the key debates and a wide range of perspectives in knowledge management.

27、after 1979 foreign films were again shown and one could find fascinating debates in the press about the merits or otherwise of films made in the West.

28、Today, the social sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates, rather than on topics with external impact.

29、The other way to earn the programming team's respect is to demonstrate intelligence, open-mindedness, and fairness in any debates that come up.

30、Echoing the debates now common in western societies, many in China are beginning to bristle at the intrusiveness of nosy employers, data-mining marketers and ubiquitous security cameras.