1、This is for internal use.

2、The medicine is not for internal use.

3、Is this for internal use too?

4、External use Prohibit internal use .If skin feels stimulated please stop to use.

5、Ability to write English reports for internal use.

6、Sorry, this article is for internal use only.

7、This struct is for kernel internal use only.

8、Internal Use is any business use of a Product for an End User’s own internal use, which use is outside the definition of Resale provided below.

9、When you build the system for internal use, you use an internal build configuration, and when you build it for external use, you use a configuration that includes the aspects.

10、Software developed for internal use never makes you money; all it does is provide functionality.

11、This integrated internal use of Web 2.0 is also the model for interactivity outside the company.

12、Corporate computer information networks refer to those operated within enterprises for internal use.

13、Highly robust, easily configured attribute-value level authorization for trading partner queries and for internal use.

14、Is intended for internal use (as opposed to mass-produced, packaged software intended for external consumers).

15、The project actually started with a very simple ASP framework written for internal use back in 1999.

16、The components described in this article have been used at IBM in composite applications developed for internal use.

17、If the manual employee data input mechanism is not suitable for your internal use, you should consider other alternatives.

18、Including: The tuition fee of20/10 days training, logistics and equipment, lunch and dessert, all course materials and the license for proper internal use.

19、Similarly, when any company in any industry produces higher quality software for either internal use or external sale -- it raises the bar.

20、However, if you're developing a plan for internal use only, you may not need to include all the background details that you already know.

21、This plan creates a resource adapter instance and the connection factory needed to create two queues, MDBTransferBeanOutQueue and SendReceiveQueue, for internal use (Listing 11).

22、Emulsion is a solvent-free wall & ceiling paint for internal use only. It has excellent covering properties, is wipeable, anti-static and virtually non-drip.

23、However, we have developed some useful tools and libraries for internal use while building GPU.NET, which we'll release as open-source projects at some point after the v1.0 release.

24、Experienced hands say before choosing groupware or intranets-Web-based networks for internal use -- it's wise to think about what kind of electronic commerce your company plans to conduct.Transaction processing?Information delivery?Data access?All there?

25、Don't neglect your internal users, either.