1、When's the departure time?

2、Two hours before departure time.

3、Is the departure time on schedule?

4、We should fix our departure time.

5、May I inquire about the departure time?

6、Could you please tell me the departure time?

7、What is the departure time of your flight ?

8、Can I keep my room until my departure time?

9、What is the departure time of the moming flight?

10、Did you advertise her of the departure time?

11、We have free departure transfer to the airport, could you give us your flight number and your departure time?

12、The return time must occur on or after the last departure time.

13、Such enterprises shall file and pay business tax before departure if the departure time is prior to the preceding paragraph time limit.

14、The departure time is 35 hours local time, and you arrive in London at 21 Greenwish time.

15、Therefore, the bounded-rational decision-making principle is introduced to build departure time model.

16、Please arrive at the airport two hours before your departure time.

17、We must arrive at the airport an hour before the departure time.

18、Municipal's governments' departments in charge of public transport can adjust departure frequency and departure time of the first and last buses according to practical need.

19、The most unsatisfactory factors to intercity railway are travel time and departure time, to automobile are passenger flight and insecure.

20、The departure time is 45 hours local time, and you arrive in London at 50 hours G.M.T.

21、Thank you. The departure time of your flight is four o'clock p. m. , and you should be at the airport at last one and half hour prior to the departure time. Have a nice flight!

22、The airline was overcrowded and the airline oversold the tickets. The departure time was almost never on schedule.

23、An airline ticket agent was being given a particularly rough time by a woman who complained about the departure times.

24、Assemble 8:50am at No. 168 Hong Qiao Rd. Close to Wen Ding Rd. The departure time is 9am.

25、Nanjing airport is closed for ATC, the departure time is not sure, pay attention to the broadcast.

26、How many lonely heart sour tears, can not stand the long day of the wind, how many gentle and warm yearning, always in the departure time, always in the departure of the station filled with sorrow, infiltrating heart?

27、In the models of dynamic traffic assignment, it is assumed that travelers cannot reduce their travel cost by unilaterally changing the departure time and route choices.