1、The optimized query and its execution plan.

2、Figure 7 shows the execution plan.

3、Show query execution plan and display results in text.

4、Show query execution plan and display results in grid.

5、According to the overall query execution plan, the sub operations are then applied at the sources.

6、Subsequent invocations will not peek and the previous execution plan will be reused.

7、Display the estimated execution plan for the query (does not execute the query)

8、It is crucial for successful project management and schedule control to have a scientific and efficient project execution plan.

9、If the execution plan problems cannot be avoided, guidelines can be used to affect the optimizer plan to mitigate the performance problems.

10、Section explains and section actuals are very powerful features to investigate problems with a query execution plan.

11、What if you know your OLTP searches should use the same execution plan for different binding values?

12、The 'legs' of the UNION are processed one at a time, in left-to-right order in the execution plan.

13、The query optimizer will give priority to an execution plan involving an MQT over a plan that involves access to remote tables.

14、Prepares car wash station execution plan and status reports and work to ensure plans adhere to required specifications.

15、"Dynamic" means that the query is sent into the database engine as a string; it must be parsed and have a query execution plan generated.

16、As part of the data quality analysis, an execution plan has been formulated as noted in part 6 of this series.

17、For SELECT queries, the text of the remote SQL statement can be found in the details associated with the SHIP operator in the query execution plan.

18、Top management shall ensure that the organization's personnel are informed of performance effectiveness and issues as relate to the HSF policies and execution plan.

19、At this step, you need to dig into the statistics you collected above and take a good look at the query execution plan.

20、This makes it possible to get query execution plan in the real production environment. To use this new feature, you need to use the key word AVOID_EXECUTE in SET EXPLAIN ON statement as follows

21、The data analyst must, as part of the execution plan, determine against which data sets the investigation tests can be run and who has access to those data sets.

22、The reason for using binding parameters is to ask the database to parse your SQL once and reuse the generated execution plan for subsequent repeat requests, which saves both CPU time and memory.

23、When an application submits a query to the federated system, the federated server identifies the relevant data sources, and develops a query execution plan for obtaining the requested data.

24、Once you understand your options, you can influence the optimizer to select the best query execution plan, either by adjusting the OPTCOMPIND parameter or by adding query directives or indexes.

25、Queries that involve both local tables and remote (nickname) data are candidates for execution plans that allow concurrent and asynchronous execution of local and multiple remote query fragments.