1、The default is interactive mode.

2、Generate the proper syntax through interactive mode.

3、Type db2 to open the interactive mode.

4、To start in interactive mode, enter the following.

5、Quit PHP interactive mode by sending an exit command.

6、It is also used to enter interactive mode if -interactive mode is included in the options string.

7、Incidentally, all the examples we give can be run in interactive mode or in batch mode.

8、Aside from interactive mode, the other manner for invoking the CLI interface is batch mode.

9、To run it in interactive mode, type each command at the prompt.

10、Db2pd is executed from the command line with an optional interactive mode.

11、In interactive mode you will be prompted to start several services.

12、A Study about the technology of adaptive model simplification and transformation with interactive mode

13、You can now customize the prompt that appears when you use the CLP in interactive mode.

14、This paper surveyed on the interactive mode and condition of against counter-proneness in internal party and inner-party harmony.

15、Running in interactive mode speeds up the development process considerably because you keep the JVM running and warmed up.

16、If no searching switches are provided, I enter the interactive mode where the user can provide search criteria interactively.

17、Again, notice that description and title are useful when the command is run in interactive mode using wsadmin.

18、Version 2.0 is being planned now and will include more classes, support for Unicode, an improved interactive mode, and a modular, plug-in architecture.

19、With the interactive mode (described below), this disk should not be required, but it's nice to have just in case you get out of your depth.

20、This command executes the Bash shell in interactive mode, meaning that it is essentially a shell that you can interact with until you explicitly terminate it.

21、Rely on advanced information technology, the system set up in the interactive mode of teaching can be easy to achieve interoperability of both the embodiment of good.

22、When you execute a task command in interactive mode, you are lead through a series of steps which interactively collect input for a complex admin task.

23、Ambient intelligence (AmI) is an interconnected system which is user-centric, intelligent and personalized and also a new type of interactive mode established between the people and the environment.

24、Terrier also comes in batch and interactive modes.

25、A revolution in the field of traditional interactive modes has been triggered by the studies on such an interactive system based on bioelectric signal.