1、He was really nice.

2、It's a really nice evening.

3、He's a really nice guy.

4、They are really nice people.

5、Well, I had a really nice time.

6、I've got a really nice long dress.

7、"She's really nice and really [endearing], and she really CARES about people," he said.

8、It's been really nice knowing you.

9、She's really nice until you cross her.

10、This is nice...really nice! I was awaiting for this feature.

11、Nick: You bet! It's really nice, but it does taste of yak. It's really refreshing though.

12、David always looks after me; he's a really nice guy.

13、" Even Apple insider, Daring Fireball's John Gruber described the OS as "really nice. " But a nice OS is not enough.

14、His particular style seems really unique to me and there's a really nice mix of both color and pattern.

15、It's going to be really nice for everybody, you know, to be able to just really take it easy and breathe and really enjoy, enjoy life now.

16、and I think the three of them had some really nice chemistry.

17、I like Orange County. I mean, living there is really nice.

18、Industry experts can be really nice complements to tech investors (especially in b2b companies). (more).

19、Her voice can be really nice, in this beautiful music, Amu intoxicated, he gently humming along.

20、Kylie: I've bought him a really nice leather belt and had his initials engraved on the buckle.

21、B: I don't know. So like, like I mean, he seemed really nice. I mean he was being very chivalrous.

22、I think it's really nice travel this city by a vehicle, with friends to chat and laugh on the way.

23、I admit I've always had a really nice head of hair-my redeeming feature, you might say.

24、Her boss is really nice and gives her eight weeks vacation a year so she can travel with us a bit.

25、Entering your data is easy, but the two really nice features are how they're viewed and what you can do with them.

26、"Offering a handful of classes online is a really nice attempt, but it just seems late and a stutter step," he says.

27、They're really nice guys and every time we go to an award show, they always go out of their way to say hi to us.

28、the grey chair is a replication of some famous designer’s work, i wish i knew who. we picked it up from a really nice couple off of craigslist a few years ago.