1、Lighting because of the thieves have deterrent effect, while a burglar deterrent function.

2、Management of the move obviously have had a deterrent effect.

3、However, those measures appear to have had little deterrent effect on investors.

4、They really believe that the death penalty has a deterrent effect.

5、Features: Protection excellent performance, aesthetics, many tricks, rapid construction, a good deterrent effect.

6、The bomb is for self-protection and it also has a deterrent effect.

7、Though some researches of concrete evidence proved deterrent effect truly exists, there also are a lot of critical opinions.

8、The chance that innocent folk may be executed counts for more, with many, than the deterrent effect of capital punishment (itself questioned by academic studies).

9、The certainty of punishment has the clearest deterrent effect, which is problematic for speed enforcement because it relies on an uncertain police presence.

10、And the various annulments so far have had little deterrent effect; local elections across Nigeria's states in the past several months have been violent and of dubious credibility.

11、Of course, crime cannot be eradicated even with tough laws and severe punishment. But the deterrent effect will make it clear to potential law-breakers that crime does not pay.

12、The legs of my cot sat in four cigarette tins filled with kerosene, which did discourage crawling insects, though it seemed to have little deterrent effect on the high-jumping fleas.

13、were tested. The result showed that the ethanol extracts from ?Nicotiana tabacum, nicotinamide, Artemisia argyi, Stellaria media and Bauhinia variegata? had strong deterrent effects, which account for the deterrent rates between 84.45% and 98.79%.