1、Read the DB2 Administration manuals.

2、Product manuals written in desktop publishing software.

3、Check your Os manuals and HOWTOs.

4、Consult the product manuals for details.

5、Documentation notes listed with corresponding manuals.

6、Documents could include warranties, instruction manuals, and receipts.

7、A Commitment to Quality and the EOMC Course-book manuals.

8、Develop and implement standards, manuals, and procedures accordingly.

9、The captain harried the quarter master for recognition manuals.

10、Maintain the Carrier's technical manuals, handbooks, catalogues, etc.

11、Seller shall provide Buyer with three (3) copies of all operating manuals and installation instructions for the System, as well as maintenance manuals.

12、We'll send out the manuals this afternoon by express mail entirely at our cost, and the manuals should arrive tomorrow or the day after at the latest.

13、IBM has a long history of creating excellent technical manuals focusing on real world problems.

14、As I write my own book, I'm reading (and re-reading) dozens of other money manuals.

15、Contracts and technical manuals normally contain terms with specific meanings that pertain to a particular context.

16、It will bring college textbooks, technical manuals, service logbooks, and catalogues.

17、For more information on the LDAP directory backup commands, please refer to the LDAP manuals.

18、I've downloaded PDF manuals and adjuster's manuals to various models, and when I'm working on a particular machine I have the iPad display the diagrams I need to refer to.

19、Uses machine prints, sketches, schematics, diagrams, safety codes, manuals, and manufacturer's handbooks for troubleshooting, building, repairing, etc.

20、Drafting or translating instruction manuals and other documents of machine, such as P&ID's and documents on machine modification.

21、We produce different types of color boxes, corrugated boxes, color cards, color sign, bare boxes and product manuals, etc.

22、The master index is a linked list of all index entries in the IBM Informix Dynamic Server product manuals.

23、I was so familiar with these standards manuals, that it never even occurred to me they were postwar formats - and decidedly modern.

24、In Paris, brave man under the cover of the German pilots and holds breathtaking nervous and humorous and funny.

25、In addition, the ASCP Press is an award winning, full-scale medical publisher of textbooks, reference manuals, slide atlases, audiovisual materials, and computer software.

26、"People make manuals for earthquakes, but when the earthquake actually happens, can you actually follow the manual?" said 60-year-old officer worker Kiyoshi Kanazawa.

27、Make your engineers, manuals, charts, and visuals as well as your tech writers available to the translators, editors, desktop publishers, and project managers.

28、"The players always begin to learn the chess play by studying chess manuals. The top players are given the title of master, and the best are honored as grand masters. "

29、The reference manuals explain that the ID presented by the client channel must be known to the target QMgr to gain access, and they also describe SSL configuration in detail.

30、Every day, employees produce an abundance of documents in their everyday work: customer e-mails, business reports, product manuals - in all shapes and sizes, and stored on various content back ends.