1、statistical estimated value

2、reduce the estimated value of something.

3、The total estimated value is $96.7 million, including options.

4、The hammer price of the piece was more than ten times its estimated value.

5、Salvage value the estimated value that an asset will realize upon its sale at the end of its useful life.

6、The budget and the estimated value of a procurement may be disclosed in the tender notice.

7、According to signals sparsity by Curvelet transform, the mixed matrix can be estimated with C-means cluster analysis, and the estimated value is looked as initial value of BSS algorithm.

8、Breakfast or tea with Greenspan and his wife, NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell, carried an estimated value of 5,000 dollars.

9、Objective: to study the differentiation and treatment effect estimated value of c-reactive protein (CRP) test in acute respiratory infection of children.

10、for entities in Annexes 2 and 3, statistics on the estimated value of contracts awarded above the threshold value on a global basis and broken down by categories of entities;

11、for entities in Annexes 2 and 3, statistics on the estimated value of contracts awarded above the threshold value broken down by categories of entities and categories of products and services;

12、To estimate(a value of a variable outside a known range) from values within a known range by assuming that the estimated value follows logically from the known values.

13、The results show that the error of estimated value of both throttle position sensor and manifold pressure sensor are less than 10%, and the strategy put forward in this paper is valid.