1、putting them in readiness.

2、A putting green.

3、crease in putting on

4、That's putting it too mildly.

5、He's putting on his skis.

6、Tom's putting on his sweater.

7、Her sleazy gossip was very off - putting.

8、I'm putting the drum in my room.

9、But what about putting data in?

10、My sister is putting on a bandage.

11、It is dangerous putting gasoline near fire.

12、That means putting away the Xbox, putting our kids to bed at a reasonable hour.

13、A ball is on the putting green when any part of it touches the putting green.

14、A New Study of the Best Record of Shot-putting and the Best Putting Angle;

15、All this work is putting a great strain on me.

16、Cybernetics was strangled by "putting the observer inside the box."

17、He is not a pragmatist putting results ahead of performance.

18、She is putting up for election to the committee.

19、I told uncle I was putting three hundred on Daffodil.

20、and putting over it the leather cover and over that a blue cloth; and putting its rods in place.

21、"For they had instruments for putting an edge on their ploughs and blades and forks and axes, and for putting iron points on their ox-driving rods."

22、He randomly flipped through the magazine before putting it down. Then putting both hands behind his head, he lay there enjoying the sunshine with half-closed eyes.

23、It's like walking with us all in the same way, lifting our left foot, putting it down, lifting our right foot, and putting it down.

24、HJ: I'm always putting on make-up but I feel removing it is more important than putting it on. Foam cleansers are essential.

25、Oh. At night I've been putting up wallpaper in the baby's room.

26、The pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting it into Ihe box.

27、The U.S. 'overall EPI score is 81, putting it in 39th place on the list.

28、Tihon brought the bedstead in with the footmen, and began putting it up.

29、They plan to excavate a large hole before putting in the foundation.