1、approach to electronics

2、cost approach to value

3、cognitive approach to management depment

4、Factual approach to decision making

5、the approach to the runway

6、Diversify your approach to practice.

7、a Socratic approach to teaching.

8、The classic 4gl approach to the cloud.

9、income approach to fair market value

10、Silo approach to service creation and ownership.

11、The modern 4gl approach to the cloud.

12、FOAF, an RDF approach to social networking.

13、The application of Personal approach and System approach to human errors in nursing quality improvement

14、All this points to a pragmatic approach to withdrawal.

15、A piecemeal approach to China's internationalization is doomed to failure.

16、The approach to adapters seems quite reasonable and rational.

17、Others see it as an atheistic approach to life.

18、Hamiltonian system approach to bending problem of viscoelastic cantilever-beams

19、MTF offers a declarative approach to model transformation.

20、This book provides a good approach to anatomy.

21、This approach is very generic, recently, we were surprised to see people applying our approach to robotics.

22、Although the approach to try to mediate, to adapt to this society!

23、The technical advancement was to give rise to a whole new approach to remote sensing.

24、But it does mean we need to develop a clear-minded approach to prioritizing, and a disciplined approach to time management.

25、Zara’s unique approach to product development is instrumental to their success.

26、This procedure constitutes a second approach to teaching reading— the phonics so familiar to baby boomers.

27、The trick is in being able to decide which approach to use.

28、One reason for this change was the increasing emphasis given to the historical approach to man.

29、The approach to using this pattern follows the model-driven development approach of instantiating the pattern parameters to specific UML model elements of the service or interface.

30、In our experience, the technical approach to build a DBA is most effective when coupled with a new approach to framework first engineering.