1、The retailer validates the credit card information.

2、Make sure your page still validates.

3、Validation - -validates the order with pre-defined rules.

4、First, Flex validates all the properties of the component.

5、The Last-Modified header validates based on the component's timestamp.

6、The application validates postal codes entered into an entry field.

7、Verify the EHLO/HELO domain validates that the sending mail server domain exists in DNS.

8、MailChimp validates before you click "Submit," saving you even more time.

9、The socket layer validates the correctness of the parameters passed by the TCP application.

10、Something, such as a signature or voucher, that endorses or validates.

11、Also, our TSGA guy validates that any naming context rules for LDAP hierarchies are correct.

12、Dr. Luskin validates your right to feel hurt. He is not in anyway saying to ignore it.

13、Finally, an example validates that the NCS is stable when the delay is within the maximum allowable delay.

14、App2 exposes a web service that validates the credit card and App3 processes the payment by deducting money from it.

15、The server's security system validates the user against its security registry and obtains other security information about the user.

16、After you enable recipient filtering, Exchange validates the E-mail address before Exchange accepts the E-mail message.

17、When you export the profile, Studio first regenerates and validates the profile, then exports the profile to the server and optionally makes it the active profile.

18、For relational nicknames, the wrapper validates the existence of the data source objects and retrieves the column definitions and index information, if any, when the nickname is defined.

19、They represent a proscribed, easily understood method for users to communicate with developers in a manner that validates the positions of both.

20、When implementing robust validations with XML schemas, keep in mind that — almost by definition — when your application validates documents, it should not depend on those documents being correct.

21、IPSec encrypts and validates packets to protect the privacy of data and to ensure that no changes are made to packets during the delivery process.

22、On the basis of formulating evaluation index system of them it validates the theoretical model using China's 268 prefecture-level cities as the sample with structural equation model approach(SEM).

23、For example, if a tester manually validates a particular text for a particular image, then he can program a machine to validate the same text for copies of the image throughout the application.

24、前三个validates _方法是Rails的内嵌方法,对任何进入系统的产品都会自动地调用验*方法。

25、The Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation validates courses and programmes offered by the Hong Kong Institute of Education and some other non-UGC-funded institutions that are not self-accrediting.

26、Test results also validates that the deduced analogy relations of frozen soil shear strength indexes have good precision and can be adopted in frozen engineering and other relative study field.