1、music aptitude test

2、The most representative dynamic tests include aptitude educaluation device, aptitude test, learning process test and cognitive processing test.

3、They're handing out forms for an aptitude test.

4、Example of multiaptitude tests career development professionals use with their clients are the DAT (Differential Aptitude Test) and the GATB (General Aptitude Test Battery).

5、He applies for a janitor's job at Microsoft and easily passes an aptitude test.

6、According to the correlation between language teaching and testing, language tests involve five basic types: proficiency test, aptitude test, achievement test, diagnostic test, placement test.

7、Objective To construct the seamen's vocational aptitude test (SVAT) for selection and placement of the seamen.

8、I had to take an aptitude test before I began training as a nurse.

9、Fiercely intelligent, Andrew Wilfahrt scored top marks in the army's aptitude test.

10、an aptitude test; a Chinese test tests for two items may not be sufficient, but the overall Chinese test score should meet the minimum criterion; an interview

11、He applies for a janitor 's job at a large firm and easily passes an aptitude test.

12、Objective: To determine the occupational aptitude test indexes systems of boiler by studying on the screened indexes.

13、Only those candidates who have passed the group interview, aptitude test and then final interview will be considered for appointment.

14、Philosophy majors also score highest among disciplines in verbal reasoning and analytical writing on the GRE aptitude test.

15、Because he showed talent on the aptitude test for physical skills, he was set on a path not for the college-bound.

16、This paper explains the significance on the application of gabbro-diabase through aptitude test and experiment of gabbro-diabase in asphalt surface course of the high-type highway.

17、Objective: To develop a scholastic aptitude test for pupils of grade 4-6 and analyze the items and examine the reliability.

18、The written test scheduled for Nov. 30 this year includes two sessions, the administrative aptitude test (AAT) and the essay test, before a more competitive interview at the beginning of 2009.

19、After eight weeks comes the "puppy aptitude test," which evaluates, among other things, whether the pups come when called and how good they are at fetch.

20、Conclusions the driving aptitude test and the standard can be used in selecting new drivers, improving training effect, guiding driving allocation and administering drivers scientifically.

21、MCZ100 Model Motorcycle Auto Pilot is an aptitude test bench what is designed and empoldered according to the technique request of the nation standard and the Occident attestation rule.

22、mechanotherapy appliances; massage apparatus, psychological aptitude testing apparatus

23、Some aptitude tests may assess your potential to learn rather than testing specific skills.

24、Chong remembers passing his physical, written and aptitude tests with high scores.

25、We can do this through aptitude tests, interviews with specialists, and study of books in our fields of interests.

26、Other reasons might include nutrition levels, time spent in school, environmental stimuli and familiarity with aptitude testing.

27、Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a series of what appeared to be aptitude tests.

28、The Durham team used aptitude tests to show that pupils of a given ability get far higher A-level grades now than they used to 20 years ago.

29、Last month, a leading developer of aptitude tests announced that it had created one to measure students' ability to evaluate online material.