1、What do these criticisms add up to?

2、The numbers add up to 100.

3、These Numbers add up to 888.

4、These figures add up to fifty.

5、The three angles of a triangle add up to 180°.

6、The bill can add up to several hundred thousand dollars.

7、These by no means add up to modernism.

8、What do these bits of information add up to?

9、All these add up to more pain and stiffness.

10、Additionally, you have the option to add up to two standard Android widgets.

11、Consider a file in which the extra white space was to add up to 5kb.

12、Eventually they will grow to add up to meaning, and it will get easier to understand, and to add on to what you can understand.

13、That margin and other market failings add up to 20% to the cost of every sack.

14、Over twenty years these fiscal transfers can add up to a sizeable sum.

15、The total words do not add up to a large number.

16、The first is totaling the textfields and determining if they collectively add up to 100.

17、These small delays nevertheless add up to big costs, he notes.

18、Writing is really good fun. Ten packages of instant noodles add up to not so happy.

19、You can add up to 6 bugs to any single-harvest plant, as you can add bugs in the last two growth stages.

20、Use to add up to 4 vertical ordinate dimensions. Attach one endpoint to baseline and one to first feature.

21、Use to add up to 4 horizontal baseline dimensions. Attach one endpoint to baseline and one to first feature.

22、Thus, you can add up to 18 weeds and 12 bugs to double-harvest plants and up to 24 weeds and 18 bugs to triple-harvest plants.

23、He twists his hands nervously as he stumbles over letters, trying to make them add up to whole words.

24、Enchant Weapon- Soulfrost: Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add up to54 damage to frost and shadow spells.

25、Did your calcium add up to 130 percent, or would more skim milk or calcium-fortified juice have helped?

26、Their portfolios of retained mortgages and mortgage-backed securities add up to no less than $1.4 trillion.

27、I did not know if all the related information could add up to form a clear picture of him.

28、The credit crunch, weakening economic conditions and tighter visa rules add up to a terrible confluence of bad news .