1、These clashes could develop into open warfare.

2、Educational undertaking develop steadily, State middle and primary schools develop into 712place, 240,000students.

3、To develop into or assume an organic structure.

4、will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns,

5、Later stages of Hepatitis B often develop into liver cancer.

6、These organisms penetrate into snails, multiply, and develop into cercariae, the infective form for man.

7、Not only did the poems develop into some genres but also into a variety of forms.

8、Any of the nucleated cells normally found only in bone marrow that develop into erythrocytes.

9、A small proportion of abdominal wounds may develop into incisional hernias, leading to bowel entrapment.

10、Land lease:tending to develop into right in rem and our country s legislative countermeasure;

11、How long did it take for extra names to develop into last names?

12、Instead of trying to develop into a mass party, frelimo remain a small tightly organize cabal

13、The aim is to stimulate embryonic stem cells to develop into mature, oxygen-carrying red blood cells for emergency transfusions.

14、distinguished by leaves having curled or incised leaves forming a loose rosette that does not develop into a compact head.

15、Embryonic stem cells are able to develop into all of the different kinds of cells in the body.

16、Only follow this rule can China develop into an extensive, generous and integrated political civilization with its own characteristics.

17、Furthermore, creating art also helps you develop into the type of person that you want to be.

18、Maybe in a couple of years she'll develop into a police-woman but it'll take at least that long to grow into her official-issue trousers.

19、Though these three systems did not develop into the modern "separation of the three powers", they, to some extent, put into practice the balance of power.

20、"The Golden Bridge is a public network, which at present is an information highway at intermediate speeds and will develop into an information superhighway in its later stages."

21、Like when populations of the same species are isolated from each other and then develop into two different directions and end up as two distinct species.

22、The small Luxembourg can rapidly develop into a world-renowned financial kingdom within thirty or forty years, which is also related to its strict banking secrecy regulations.

23、These are the precursors of almost every type of cell in the body, with the power to develop into anything from heart muscle to brain cells.

24、The fried egg jellyfish, also known as medusa, produce eggs that are fertilized in sea water, which then develop into a tiny larva fixed to sea bed organisms.

25、Of critical importance, the brain continues to develop into adolescence, and so later influences, such as exposure to child abuse and/or neglect, must also be taken into account.

26、The research-oriented learning mode fused into the series course of physical pedagogy showing exemplification, is one of feasible approaches which train students of physics to develop into research-typed teachers of new times.

27、A bunch of flowers, a greeting card, we walked into the home of empty nesters, sympathy, a few words of light greetings and small blessing will develop into a infinite harmony and touched;

28、A tropical Indian fig tree(Ficus benghalensis), often widely spreading because of the many aerial roots that descend from the branches and develop into additional trunks.It is planted for ornament and shade.

29、This project is supported by government, guided by specialist, intending to create a good example which the local farmers can follow, and gradually develop into a scale of over 10 thousand mu.