1、its beliefs his beliefs,

2、current opinions, beliefs, etc

3、hereditary characteristics, features, beliefs

4、doctrinaire attitudes, beliefs, criticisms

5、Cheating went against my beliefs.

6、He sticked by his beliefs.

7、He died for his beliefs.

8、recant one's former beliefs, heresies

9、Her beliefs were not extravagant.

10、Core beliefs can be tricky to locate.


12、A book that challenges established beliefs.

13、knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices/partner relations

14、A country and nation with beliefs and heavy beliefs must be a cohesive country and nation.

15、Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions or beliefs, especially religious beliefs.

16、The purpose of this study is to investigate one preschool pre-service teacher on her teaching beliefs, development of the teaching beliefs, and factors affecting the teaching beliefs.

17、Society is knit together by certain commonly held beliefs.

18、This is our service tenet, and our beliefs.

19、Totemic beliefs and ethnic identification --Taking the frog totemic beliefs Zhuang nationality in GuangXi province for example

20、Most have been released after allegedly renouncing extremist beliefs.

21、Thai culture blends Buddhism, spirit beliefs and rampant materialism.

22、So how do you develop beliefs that will empower you?

23、Changing beliefs is the real work of therapy and is achieved by the therapist disputing the client's irrational beliefs.

24、The meaning of life lies in the universal and endowed by people. It is born of ideals, beliefs and pursuits, and varies with ideals, beliefs and pursuits.

25、But these beliefs make us act, and as fast as they do so, they bring into sight or into existence new facts which re-determine the beliefs accordingly.

26、If you let your beliefs limit you, like I almost did by telling myself that I was too young, then these beliefs will always hold you back.

27、The reason why we care about the teachers 'education beliefs is that teachers 'educational beliefs provide the final basis for teachers 'educational practice.

28、The breakdown of traditional landlord authority weakened the landlord ethic of Confucianism, the age-old beliefs in fate and superstitious beliefs in Buddhas, idols and witches.

29、There are many commonly held beliefs about eyeglasses and eyesight that are not proven facts.