1、That's one suave sloth!

2、a large extinct ground sloth.

3、But the sloth didn't answer.

4、relatively small fast-moving sloth.

5、Slowly, slowly, slowly, the sloth fell asleep.

6、All things are difficult to sloth.

7、Bradypus variegatus [Bolivian three-toed sloth]

8、Are you threatening me? - Move, sloth!

9、The sloth spends most of its time in the trees.

10、I see the sloth. And he's got the baby.

11、These are desire, anger, delusion, greed, envy and sloth.

12、His sloth keeps him from taking part in sports.

13、The three-toed sloth is different from the two-toed sloth in that it has one more finger.

14、If forced to choose between two vices, luxury and sloth, David Hume would have preferred luxury, because to banish it without curing sloth would only diminish industry.

15、gigantic extinct terrestrial sloth-like mammal of the Pliocene and Pleistocene in America.

16、Moderation is the languor and sloth of the soul, Ambition its activity and heat.

17、They then found the same virus lurking in the genome of the three-toed sloth.

18、Xin Qiji often used sloth in his Ci poems written in keeping the house.

19、Slowest mammal- the sloth. It has an average ground speed of only6-8 feet per minute!

20、The only drawback being, they taste like leaves on average, the sloth can move around 3 feet per minute, which is an impressive 3 feet per minute faster than a dead sloth.

21、Like brown bears and polar bears, sloth bears may have evolved in an environment with few trees.

22、OK, if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of ya, you get the sloth.

23、The shambling corpse, controlled by a demon of sloth, causes its enemies to become weak and fatigued.

24、Be temperate in wine, in eating, girls, and sloth; or the gout will seize you and plague you both.

25、Diego the tiger, Manny the mammoth, and Sid the sloth are all back to save the day.

26、I have had unformed ideas of striving afresh, beginning anew, shaking off sloth and sensuality, and fighting out the abandoned fight.

27、The top East Asia specialist at the State Department has still not been confirmed, though that has more to do with the Senate's sloth.

28、Your teen needs some house rules, else he becomes a sloth and his room begins to seriously resemble a gerbil cage.

29、"Zootopia" is the first time that they have even seen a sloth, but people now are keen to know more about these animals.