1、The song has plaintive melody.

2、a plaintive cry, melody, voice, etc

3、Adieu! Adieu! Thy plaintive anthem fades.

4、To utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound.

5、the common European wild dove noted for its plaintive cooing.

6、The singers' plaintive squeals form the soundtrack of our lives.

7、A long plaintive wail emanated from the cardboard box.

8、When the song was sung by one person, several people echoed, singing very plaintive and mournful.

9、Wendy was now almost overhead, and they could hear her plaintive cry.

10、The essences of "plaintive spirit" was educated men's spirit quality held about both individual and society.

11、There was a plaintive wail from the sofa: "What about me?"

12、We could hear the plaintive cry of a wounded animal in the woods.

13、A little bit of rain, a little sadness, in the dusk drizzle, singing plaintiveplaintive, sighing the sorrow of separation, in the breeze whispering, silently sprinkling the hundred turn tenderness.

14、Years is a song, a plaintive, the songs, there is no one at the beginning and end of the song.

15、Listening to the nightingale sing tactfully, the wonderful voice, though a little plaintive, will not easily tell of separation.

16、The complexity of the music, plaintive and repetitive, shines through, thanks to the uncluttered performance of his ensemble.

17、But what I'm sure is that the silent plaintive moan must be the last song of life!

18、Dad used to say that David's plaintive wailing over his rebellious son Absalom - "o my son Absa-lom!"

19、She kept this faint smile even when singing plaintive songs.I'm a sucker for this kind of thing and the tears rolled.

20、With their plaintive calls, barbarian wildgeese fly from night to night,And children of the Tartars have many tears to shed;

21、There was no ill-fitting glove, no dream team, no slow-motion car chase, and no plaintive wail of a dog.

22、No matter where it comes from this voice of moderation sounds shrill and plaintive compared with the stentorian message of hardliners and the domestic security empire they rule.

23、He concluded his plaintive melody, a very simple performance, demanding no great skill; and she waited, thinking another might be begun.

24、The plaintive tone of her compassion merged into the less musical voice of the Judge, as he said something fiercely: 'Answer the questions put to you, and make no remark upon them.'

25、Then there was little White Snowflake, who bleated in such a plaintive and beseeching manner that Heidi already had several times run to it and taken its head in her hands to comfort it.

26、In the yellowish illumination of the street lamps, each bench is written with a different mood, sweet and joyful, plaintive and jubilant, embracing each other and gradually brewing in serenity.

27、Answer, first, why the heart thrills; explain wherefore some plaintive note goes wandering about the world, undying; make clear the rose's subtle alchemy evolving its ruddy lamp in light and rain. In the essence of these facts lie the first principles of morals.

28、She remained in his memory simply as the most plaintive and poignant of a line of ghosts. 深埋于记忆的最深处,她,业已成为其最无法释怀而又刻骨铭心的一缕幽魂。

29、The curved moon is a musical instrument high up in the sky, with only a few scattered stars as querulous and plaintive notes, and wisps of the moonlight, penetrating through clouds, keep plucking exceedingly senti-mental and mild love tone at the peaceful night.