1、They directly influenced Slayer and bands of that ilk.

2、Samsung's Wireless ICE Pad refrigerator is another of this ilk.

3、I think that's a strength of people of his ilk.

4、A larcenous tendency restricted to shady operators and others of that ilk.

5、As we once said it will be a "triple bad day" for Rockefeller and his ilk.

6、iPads and their ilk may yet turninto a practical alternative to textbooks.

7、I can't stand him, or any others of that/his ilk.

8、County Magistrate Wu Ping, FDA-Tanda Peng and his ilk, I believe it is an insider, but only actors.

9、He was delighted in seeing us and the boxes of donations, filled with clothes, backpacks, and the ilk.

10、"Give bankers of any ilk an inch and they will take a mile," said Simon Maughan, analyst at MF Global in London.

11、Of course, a segment of the population, particularly those whose computers seized up last week, have complicated feelings toward Mr. Gates and his ilk.

12、I had used to go into Howsbay twice a year, to trade my inks and dyes for fabric for clothing and POTS and things of that ilk.

13、Unfortunately for global warming proponents, Mother Nature has simply refused to comply with what Al Gore and his countless ilk described as fact.

14、Rosenfeld, and their ilk do not fit the standard image of a hacker: the wealthy, suburban geek who trespasses on computers just for fun.

15、This is, of course, the thrill of risk, the thing adventurers talk about, the answer to the question Why?, which is perennially posed to mountain climbers, around-the-world-solo sailors, trans-Pacific balloonists and their ilk.

16、Northern California's Santa Clara Valley pre-Silicon Valley, where Jobs and Wozniak grew up, was a churning place for engineers and their ilk, fueled by Lockheed6 's booming defense business.

17、A place where Madonna once threw her tag around (and indeed many of her ilk), the Lower East Side was always, and continues to be a hotbed of creative activity.

18、Today, Mongrel (and it's ilk of similar Ruby-based web servers such as Thin and Ebb) still the predominate deployment environment. And for many good reasons: It's stable, it's versatile, it's fast.

19、A new stealthy long-range bomber could provide the intelligence and strike support in such an irregular warfare scenario that the non-stealthy Predator and its ilk could not.