1、consumption externality

2、externalism; externality

3、Pareto-relevant externality

4、Hengjiang is a classic externality.

5、Extended Hotelling model with network externality;

6、The externality of entrepreneurship in industrial clusters;

7、Return of scale and product differentiation with network externality

8、Study of enterprise horizontal merger based on network externality;

9、Growth equations are derived and the externality series are estimated.

10、Secondly, the "externality chain" is cleared up and the main illogicalities & key factors resulting in economic externality are identified.

11、Control strategy to technology standard of firm based on network externality;

12、The positive externality of antidumping and "free ride" of enterprise lead to the negative-sum game.

13、This article evaluates the externality through joint usage of water resources model and water quality mode.

14、Further more, the first-mover advantage may weaken as the intension of network externality lessens.

15、This paper analyzes the market structure with network externality and its competitive characteristics.

16、A network externality arises when others’ use of a product makes it more valuable to each consumer.

17、In the competitive market, such enterprises can't make externality internality and have low effects in resources' distribution.

18、When products are compatible with each other, the existence of network externality protects the status of incumbent firm.

19、This externality eventually makes walking itself meaningless, and makes the walker degenerate into an absolute walking corpse.

20、This paper discussed the principle of externality in the domain of urban wastewater reuse, analyzing the external economy of urban wastewater reuse with the theory of economics.

21、Then the paper brings forward that the essence of economic aggregation is the action by economy of scale, economy of scope, and economy of externality.

22、Dewey s educational aim has the characters of internality, dynam, presence and integration of individual and society, but ignores the function of externality abstraction, perpetuity to some extent.

23、Think he would be handicapped by all the technical terms in English such as "production possibility frontier", "externality" or "comparative advantage"?

24、Coase theorem advocates solving an externality problem by assigning property rights to one party or another. When would government regulations be more appropriate?

25、And during the market which has the characteristic of network externality, the potential firm tends to enter the market where the incumbent firms take the strategy of products incompatibility.