1、The detritus of past civilizations.

2、The machine can remove detritus and dust from grain.

3、The history of physics is littered with the detritus of once-sacred assumptions.

4、Whatever the responsibility, individual or corporate, the detritus is plain to see.

5、Streets are filled with rotting fruit, faeces and other disease-spreading detritus.

6、The tidal river would push detritus into the most-used spots.

7、Unhelpful detritus often clutters search results, thanks to online publishers who have learned how to game the system.

8、In this case, the underscore in line 105 was just some easy-to-fix detritus from 10-year-old code.

9、Bring forward our own resolvent methods of the isolation of asphalt detritus composite through the construction of pavement.

10、Indeed, with the deaths of so many other animals and with much dead plant material, the food chain based on detritus would have been well-supplied.

11、If the roads were going to be blocked with various pieces of burning detritus, as they had the day before, I wanted to know first.

12、Failure to start may be due to two mechanism: the first is the result of stop/start which forms wear detritus.

13、Or worse, a stressful stumble from one bottlenecked queue to another, and then the dreary fumble to collect one's shoes, belt, bags, computer and other detritus.

14、These unassignable animals include a large swimming predator called Anomalocaris and a soft-bodied animal called Wiwaxia, which ate detritus or algae.

15、Memory is a sand city. The detritus of sand not only covers your way, but also gradually swallows your pace. Do not recollection, memories will only imprison you like a cage, until decay.

16、And it becomes clear that it is also a prose paean to the accumulated detritus of an old society with a well-recorded history and a keen interest (some would say an obsession) in preserving its past.

17、To others, dreams denote night-time learning or problem-solving, even automatic sifting of the mind's detritus, the skimming off of useless information to be dumped like so much mental junk.

18、But unlike his more privileged mythological predecessors, who at least had the good fortune to be deposited in lush, natural surroundings, Chaplin's castoff child is discovered among the shabby detritus of modern society.