1、First, a short quiz.

2、Let's do the quiz.

3、Take National Geographic's moon quiz.

4、Vegetable vocabulary quiz. A matching quiz with pictures of vegetables.

5、a quiz game/programme/show

6、At least two weeks before the quiz.

7、After that, we had a quiz.

8、Watching the recording of a quiz programme.

9、a sports, music, general knowledge, etc quiz

10、Mark: Okay. Let me quiz you first.

11、We're going to have a diagnostic quiz and you are taking a quiz the first day.

12、The responder can be used as quiz judged device.

13、Introduced the three contestants and then started the quiz.

14、Today is English quiz, I think I am good, but tomorrow is chinese quiz, so I prepare.

15、The teacher gave us a quiz in English.

16、We're going to give you a quick memory quiz.

17、There are many popular money-award TV quiz show now.

18、And I know it is only the third quiz, but I like to keep the quiz number the same as the homework number.

19、Quick quiz: Who are the three largest Internet companies in the world by market capitalization?

20、During my second month of night school, our professor gave us a pop quiz.

21、No test or quiz can be retaken without an excused absence from the teacher.

22、There are Bible quiz books, stuffed with crosswords and other word puzzles, and Bible bingo games.

23、Pop quiz: What country has the world's largest national debt per capita?

24、Please SHARE this color blindness quiz to see if your friends and family can do as well as you!

25、Quick quiz: What impact has technology had on your hfe u, the past f.ve or "en years?"

26、The questions that I'm asking on this quiz — the questions asked on the quiz — are the types of things we would expect you to know at the end of the course — not now, but at the end of the course.

27、This calendar provides lecture and recitation topics, along with links to homework and quiz materials for the course.

28、I entered the quiz just for fun and found myself pitting my wits against a university professor.

29、Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

30、NOTE: Again, we will practice the classifiers in ACT class, even if they are not on the vocabulary quiz. Learn them well!