1、Ants and bees are laborious insects.

2、A slow, laborious motion or movement.

3、This personality upload is a laborious process.

4、That is a bit too laborious.

5、make by laborious and precarious means.

6、This enables teachers to specialize in learning especially laborious students.

7、Checking all the names was a slow, laborious job.

8、The distance seemed interminable, and the walk was most laborious.

9、To walk in a laborious, heavy - footed way;plod.

10、It takes 56 laborious steps to set up a business.

11、His anxious and laborious efforts were likely, at last, to be crowned with the happiest success.

12、Photography was once an expensive, laborious ordeal reserved for life's greatest milestones.

13、Many laborious people who can not continue to live have to take risks to become bandits.

14、The creation of such classes is laborious, and maintenance can be a burden.

15、Manual attacks are laborious, and only successful if the attacker knows something about the shopper.

16、She is laborious, studious and surefooted at work and has the original method in the management of dispensary.

17、Those dreams are not only laborious, but also consume the innate talents and talents of unrealistic dreamers.

18、It may seem a simple affair to play upon a violin; yet what a long and laborious practice it requires!

19、 Everything here seems to have a magnetic attraction, and three horses and a car seem so laborious.

20、Similarly, Urian Oakes (1631-81) touches a nerve of agony in these lines of his laborious "Elegy upon the Death of the Reverend Mr. Thomas" (1677).

21、Having a doctorate means I know how laborious and expensive it is to determine the correct structure for a given protein in the lab.

22、A magnificent death had come like a grace, like a gift, like a reward to that old ship at the end of her laborious days.

23、He soon disappeared into the darkness of the sandy sea. From time to time a few laborious coughs could be heard in the distance.

24、It is laborious and expensive to dismantle and reinforce reconstruction engineering of brick and concrete structure and very dangerous during construction process.

25、Indeed, not 12 months ago I had the laborious task of raising a petition the traditional way, knocking on neighbours' doors with pens and paper, collecting signatures and addresses.

26、 They are scattered in the wilderness, lying on their backs, on their prone or on their side, and one sleeps on the other's thighs, as if a group of laborious labourers were lying on the ground to sleep.

27、Traditionally, these were simply plugged in one by one, in a laborious manual process that required an expert human eye to tell the machine what features to look for, in future, at each level.

28、When I must suffer when birth and death most laborious course, please do not have to say that, "I am not cruel enough to looked that, I do not want to present."

29、The conductor looked at the girl sitting behind the bus and opened her mouth. There was no words at all. The bus was getting more and more laborious. Fortunately, there was only one last stop left.

30、For which purpose I got a heavy piece of wood at first, but at last bethought my self of one of the iron crows, which however tho' I found it, yet it made driving those posts or piles very laborious and tedious work.