1、 Counterfeit or fake.

2、Pirated goods; imitation; fake

3、fake and shoddy products

4、not fake or counterfeit.

5、She's a phony, a fake.


7、The fake Santa Clause lied.

8、Who wants to fake confidence?

9、To fake up an unsound horse

10、Cash, after all, is hard to fake.

11、I was hoodwinked into buying fake jewels.

12、I only made the fake treaty.

13、This is a fake, but cheap.

14、On whether "know-fake-buy-fake" can be applied to "Consumer Protection Law";

15、Don't fake it until you make it. Fake it until you become it.

16、The invention relates to a fake defending technology, which would supply fake defending paper with accurate orienting of fake defending line, and the manufacture method and the device.

17、Creating "fake" history entries on Safari and Opera.

18、Is this a fake documentary about real artists or a real documentary about fake artists — or a bit of both?

19、And, that bra looks weirdly fake, doesn't it? at.

20、He would not fake knowledge he didn't have.

21、He was taken in by the fake insurance salesman.

22、Where is the famous brand product? It's a real fake.

23、If discover fake and shoddy goods will fake a penalty ten, and carries on the corresponding wechat business titles.

24、It was all these like, fake movie posters that she made for fake movies that weren't real.

25、Do we really want to go back to the days when the only fake news was "official" fake news?

26、Fake Monster divers are rarely seen and this is the best example of a fake Monster I've seen so far.

27、The "fake Apple store" story in July about a couple of fake stores in Kumming, which had begun a crackdown on Aug. 2, has revealed 22 more fake Apple store in the city.

28、So they have no feeling for the truth or the fake, but here it is different. It is very normal for them to buy fake goods.

29、They give you a fake log in and a fake password, so you don't have to give your own information when you log in.

30、For standard colleague avoidance, I suggest fake chatting about fake business: "Yes, I'm glad you called, because we really need to hammer out the details."