1、Is it configured sensibly?

2、They were not sensibly dressed.

3、She's always very sensibly dressed.

4、Explain your frustrations calmly and sensibly.

5、Sometimes she spoke sensibly; sometimes she rambled.

6、Stay healthy: get enough sleep, eat sensibly.

7、I heard him speak sensibly, maybe it's true.

8、Who knew eating sensibly could make you feel so good?

9、Might they at least remind people to behave sensibly?

10、They are sometimes-sensibly-called rear-dump trucks.

11、You see - I say this knowing that it is blasphemy within university walls -it is really very much easier to think sensibly than it is to feel sensibly.

12、He decided, very sensibly, not to drive when he was so tired.

13、At 6,000 feet the density of the air was sensibly dimished.

14、Like his predecessor, Mr Obama has sensibly recognised Brazil's new stature as South America's leading power.

15、Is there anything which could sensibly be described as welfare that the rich can now gain?

16、“Satisficing”, in social-science jargon, is the sensibly shod alternative to maximising.

17、The Majesty summoned him in the depth of his conscience, and the Vice-King appealed to him to act sensibly.

18、Some officials have sensibly sought to characterise the pull-out as a purely commercial decision of little broader significance.

19、As for JPMorgan Chase, it has kept a tight rein on risk, managed capital well and acquired sensibly.

20、She was allowed to go back to her attic on condition that she would feed herself sensibly.

21、But admittedly it's difficult to debase sensibly with people who have no common background or understanding of the subject.

22、Those who suspect a bubble face the same dilemma as textbook prisoners: it makes sense to act sensibly only if others do so too.

23、So sit down at the start, concentrate sensibly and write out a list of destinations and times, and you might even arrive at some of them.

24、So take exercise, eat sensibly, drink in moderation, stop smoking, buy insurance and try to plan management cover in the event of an accident or other enforced absence.

25、Less sensibly, hospital doctors will have a say in commissioning care too, which might create even more glaring conflicts of interests.

26、Among the town's other characters is a well-meaning new doctor who sensibly wishes to introduce modern medicine to the community.

27、But children who have been sensibly handled at home can bear to be checked in minor ways, so long as they feel that they are being helped in the ways that they themselves regard as important.

28、So the letter-writers have sensibly chosen to concentrate on the conflicts that may arise when economists opine about matters that affect industries or companies with which they have financial links.

29、On January 5th he announced plans to offer tax-relief to some savers and pensioners—politically savvy and sensibly discrete—while sketching a vision of a thrifty post-recession economy.

30、Mr McGibney said that a changing business model had triggered early sales in some of the stores and he urged people to shop sensibly and not get into big debt.