1、I'll bandage your hand.

2、apply a bandage (to...)

3、Take that bandage off.

4、You need a bandage.

5、bandage up sb.'s arm

6、Blood started from the bandage.

7、Put a bandage on it.

8、and frequently slipped the bandage free,

9、Cover with a dry, sterile bandage.

10、Remove the bandage after 24 hours.

11、My sister is putting on a bandage.

12、The skin underneath my Ace bandage.

13、Bandage very early, as soon as you lose 1250 health, gouge, jump away, bandage.

14、I'll get up and bandage it for you.

15、The patient's broken leg was secured with plaster bandage.

16、The nurse wound a bandage around my leg.

17、He lay back and let her bandage him.

18、Influence of different pressure tension bandage on inhibiting scar proliferation

19、During be in hospital, sometimes depressed, good wish someone would come to hurt me. Result is really efficacy: nurse came, tear open bandagebandage. (good painful).

20、He bandaged, his hands moving very fast and the bandage coming taut and sure.

21、T he lower limbers of paraplegia patients were twined by flexible bandage.


23、Use a pad or apply a sterile dressing and bandage firmly.

24、When the bandage telescopes down the limb of the dog it may bunch up and abrade the limb.

25、If the bleeding has stopped, cover the area with a bandage and take the person to the hospital.

26、wound her injured leg with a bandage; wound the waist of the gown with lace and ribbons.

27、When the doctor removed the bandage, I found that the flesh round the wound was still swollen and angry.

28、The singer 44 wore a bandage over his hooter and had a minder carry the brolly during a visit to a Las Vegas museum.

29、On the entire vehicle we use high reflection materials in the bandage system and frame fabric, increases the visibility at night.

30、The medical bandage can ease pain, diminish inflammation to the acute, chronic parenchyma damnification and arthral damnification. Efficiency ratio is 98.4%.