1、procedure branching statement

2、age-dependent branching process

3、tunable optical branching filter

4、multitype branching process

5、asymmetrical branching process

6、branching factor of search process

7、Scenario 1: Modeling branching behavior.

8、I have simple branching programs.

9、Review and improve the existing branching strategy.

10、Acanthasters show a preference for branching corals.

11、The concept of branching, merging, and comparing

12、The point at which branching occurs.

13、Bottom left: starting shapes; right: growing and branching tissue network.

14、This branching out has been institutionalised and expanded.

15、resembling a tree in form and branching structure.

16、The following line of C code shows conditional branching

17、This allows the implementation of complex branching logic.

18、The phase line branching bank, the zero line branching bank and the ground line branchingbank are movably connected with the base plate or the base box.

19、Seedlings with branching angle of 30?r 60?redominate and those with branching angles of 45?r 75?ome next in the nursery.

20、This paper states the general study of tree branching structure from the aspects of branch number, branching mode, branch angle and their space configuration status.

21、The branching model for UCM uses the concept of streams, which we will discuss later.

22、The branching strategy in general is of concern and needed to be further investigated.

23、Pressure drop is another important disquisitive branching in the investigation of oil-water two-phase flow.

24、In addition to branching, decision points are supported for conditional routing based on application data.

25、I Division located in western branching stream nearby Yangzhou, Traffic convenient.

26、If you tend to be more analytical or technical in your pursuits, try branching out into painting.

27、The results showed that the change patterns of spacer length, ramet density, branching intensity, and branching Angle of Duchesnea indica were in a quadratic curve when the elevation increased.

28、Twin-lock : Tie the hair into two firm bundles like two branching tree stumps, also called “hair locks”.

29、Note: The efficiency of branching presents the seed yield of every brachn account for percentage of the total yield.