1、Qinghai Lake is the largest inland saltwater lake in China.

2、flesh of lean-fleshed saltwater fish of the family Serranidae.

3、Prevention strategies of saltwater intrusion in Binzhou City

4、Optimum stir-bake with saltwater technology on Cortex Eucommiae by multiple indexes orthogonal test

5、This is important for whether your saltwater aquarium setup will be successful or not.

6、There are more then one type of filtration needed in a saltwater aquarium.

7、America's coastal universities housed most of the other lot, "saltwater" pragmatists.

8、Maybe his recent saltwater dunking and ice encrustation had caused a problem in the MJOLNIR system.

9、Geological movement before two million years produced Chinese biggest inland lake and the biggest saltwater lake -Qinghai Lake.

10、The saltwater system, however, has the advantage of not requiring expensive land and water, and it produces its own fertilizer.

11、 Jin Wei wants to build the only seven-star hotel in Asia. Even if she can only get a small portion of it, her design company can turn saltwater into saltwater.

12、Now you will need to decide what sort of population you want in your saltwater aquarium before setting it up.

13、All rooms look onto large tropical landscaped gardens with extensive water features and three saltwater swimming pools.

14、In conclusion, the freshwater cultured pearls produced by mussel Hyriopsis cumingii contain no calcites, and this is obviously different from characteristics of saltwater cultured pearls.

15、The technologies for this are already widely used in the oil and chemical industries, and saltwater aquifers and depleted oilfields offer plenty of promising storage space.

16、This is Crocodile Dundee territory, but the move is more about facing up to a distant dragon than to the local saltwater crocs.

17、The results showed that three sources of saltwater intrusion were from the North Branch, the South Channel and the North Channel.

18、Of course, I also have my worries about seasickness, storms, poisonous fish bites, or sharks or crocodiles (the saltwater alligator of Italy) and I know that the power of the sea is unpredictable.

19、But protect a jet engine against saltwater corrosion and position it high on the craft so the spray doesn't enter the intake during take-off and landing, and it will work fine.

20、The Everglades is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles co-exist,where freshwater and saltwater mix to create an environment where mangrove trees and saw grass flourish.

21、The vast expanse of smoke and vast expanse in the distance, the blue water, the water birds dancing with the lake fish, the snow mountains and the flying clouds, deserves to be China's largest inland lake and saltwater lake.

22、Although investigations are just beginning, Reed expects that Katrina's surge pushed saltwater much farther into the marsh than normal. “That salt has likely baked into the soil,” Reed says, “and won't readily wash out,” which could kill wide areas of marsh grass from the roots up.