1、God doesn't bless dishonesty.

2、accuse sB. of dishonesty

3、the quality of unscrupulous dishonesty.

4、I charged her with dishonesty.

5、Never a rove of dishonesty.

6、A strong faith discourages dishonesty and injury.

7、You will pay for your dishonesty.

8、He obtained the money by dishonesty.

9、His dishonesty will redound on him.

10、Examining academic dishonesty by using CNKI

11、In Study 2, these results were replicated using dishonesty.

12、You will soon learn that dishonesty does not pay.

13、ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty.

14、Ultimately, honesty makes us vulnerable, and dishonesty protects us.

15、But the dishonesty is not all on the Russian side.

16、One such instance of dishonesty might be argued to be the result of reckless impulse.

17、Punitive compensation for dishonesty and insincerity in commercial residential building business;

18、This suggests that they were deciding between truth and dishonesty, and ultimately opting for the latter.

19、Let a person go away with ACTS of dishonesty, and soon he is committing greater ones.

20、Aldermen Sweater told Grinder that starvation was no excuse for dishonesty.

21、Not only that, but when people faced no consequences for dishonesty, their falsehood tended to get even more sensational.

22、Let a person go away with small ACTS of dishonesty, and soon he is committing greater ones.

23、There are many examples of the vast harm caused when individuals forget or ignore the effect their dishonesty can have.

24、Cheating undermines confidence and independence: the cheater is a fraud, and knows that without dishonesty, he/she would have failed.

25、In a 2016 study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, Ariely and colleagues showed how dishonesty alters people's brains, making it easier to tell lies in the future.

26、The dishonesty of several members of the government has now been proved, and their opponents are going from stregth to strength.

27、This vicious assumption of honesty and dishonesty-a vice so dangerous, so deadly, and so common-seemed, a little to impress her in his favour.

28、However, Dr Haselhuhn argues that physical clues to dishonesty could survive if they were also linked to qualities seen as positive by women - such as charm or resourcefulness.

29、Knowledge is a matter of science, and no dishonesty or conceit whatsoever is permissible. What is required is definitely the reverse-honesty and modesty.

30、I won' t go so far as to say that he is dishonest, ie I won' t actually accuse him of dishonesty, even though I might suspect him of it.