1、When enough electricity is applied to water, water will implode .

2、Why do these couples seem to always implode?

3、Some part of her worried that it would eventually implode.

4、The implode effect simulates the center of your image being sucked into a virtual black hole.

5、Nuggest implode due to injury or personality. Losing Camby would make them mediocre.

6、Time is too fragile, these good intentions have not implode, I think only I think.

7、Use the implode function to turn that array of values into a comma-separated list.

8、Will the mayor let the city's desperate health care system implode?

9、'I think the airlines are going to see their industry implode because people are going to stop flying, ' she said.

10、There's a lot of power and energy at that point – a girl can change the world, or she can implode.

11、The urban legend goes that if you go to the Google homepage and search for "Google", the universe will implode.

12、In that universe, if you search on any search engine for that search engine's name, the universe does implode!

13、No worries though, their ponzi scam has come undone, and soon the entire worlds economy will simply implode.

14、Benítez, however, insists Liverpool have proved under his tenure they can never be discounted, and believes their campaign will recover, not implode, at Anfield.

15、Within days, Herron Watkins, a senior accountant at Enron, warned Kenneth Lay, Enron′s newly reappointed CEO, that Enron could ″implode in a wave of accounting scandals.″

16、Theoretically, stars that are greater than about 20 times the mass of our sun are thought to implode and become black holes.

17、Main current of Z pinch is loaded and then it driven the plasma liner to implode when singe wire plasma column touches and couples with each other.

18、Many institutions are having to reappraise their position in this changing world, and one thing is certain that if they do not go with the flow they will stagnate and eventually implode.

19、There’s a good deal of consensus within the Party about the general direction of the country—no one in the Party apparatus wants to see it implode and the nation left leaderless.

20、The same as other teams in the world who often need implode the game's emulator system synchronously or early, we use this way as the primary method to study decision-making system.

21、In a letter to his funds' investors quoted by Bloomberg, Paulson wrote: "we believe we are in the early stage of a correction in this market and that the market will eventually implode."